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Uncomfortable? You Could Be On The Threshold Of Something Great


Many people resist change because it’s uncomfortable. It may require giving up old habits, abandoning outdated processes, or even letting go of long-held views that once seemed immutable.

In short, change often involves an uneasy step into the unknown.

Sterling Hawkins certainly understands that, and he has a few entrepreneurial battle scars to prove it.

From a multi-billion-dollar startup to collapse and bouncing back to launch, invest in and grow more than 50 companies, he now puts that experience to work with C-level teams at some of the largest organizations in the world…Finish here

Discomfort May Lead To Your Next Breakthrough

The disclaimer on investments is that “past performance is not an indicator of future results.”


The disclaimer on investments is that “past performance is not an indicator of future results.” In other words, don’t get too comfortable with the past. All you have to do is look at the stock performance through last year (2021) compared to this year’s performance to know this is true.

Yet when it comes to people, the opposite is often true. Past performance is often an indicator of future results. Most people get comfortable and stay where they feel safe. But, what if you were willing to be uncomfortable? What if you were willing to go against the status quo, learn something new, regardless of difficulty, and take more risks? How would you feel living in a state of discomfort?….Finish here

This paradoxical way of thinking can help you build resilience

If you avoid discomfort too often and for too long, this tendency can become a negative coping strategy that hurts more than it helps.


Nobody likes to feel uncomfortable. Well, maybe there are a few masochists out there, but for the most part, discomfort is something that most of us avoid. Ironically, by avoiding discomfort though, we’re ultimately left with more of it. And it becomes debilitating for us individually and as companies.

From an evolutionary perspective, avoiding discomfort makes a lot of sense. The discomfort of walking toward a lion on the Savanna didn’t end well for our ancestors. As far back as Darwin, biologists studied discomfort as being a driving force powering predatory avoidance, resource gathering, and overall survival tactics that have been critical to keeping our species (and most others) alive. It was literally what caused us to deal with the necessities of survival….Finish here

8 Telltale Indications That Your Business Career Is Limited by Self-Doubt

Your discomfort zone may be your biggest barrier to getting ahead in business.


Getting out of your comfort zone is always a challenge, but more and more evidence indicates that it is necessary for growth and success in your business and career.

In my experience as a mentor to entrepreneurs, I find that self-doubt and lack of confidence are the primary constraints people have to overcome to move ahead. The challenge is to recognize your problem and fix it.

Although the people around you may recognize the symptoms, nothing will likely change unless you see the telltale signs of hesitation in yourself. I found the key ones to be outlined well in a new book, "Hunting Discomfort," by Sterling Hawkins. He writes from first-hand experience and is now a recognized business leader, motivational speaker, and mentor to many entrepreneurs….Finish the article

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